
Welcome to LPHK 
因患罕有骨骼疾病導致身體外貌有異於一般人士,應享有同等權利和機會活出精彩人生,成為社會有價值的成員。People with physical differences caused by rare bone diseases deserve the same rights and opportunities to live a meaningful life and become a valuable member of society


我們的使命 Our mission
我們致力協 助患罕有骨骼疾 病的人士克服身體殘障帶來的挑戰,從而幫助他們過獨立及有意義的生活。我們透過以下方式實踐使命: lphk 建立病人支援小組,加強患者及其家人身心健康,助他們融入社群;
lphk 向大眾灌輸骨骼發育異常的知識,加強社會對患者的接納;
lphk 向患者家庭提供有用及適時的醫學資訊;
lphk 為服務患者 及其家庭籌款,改善患者生活素質。
We strive to help rare bone disease patients to live an independent and fulfilling life by overcoming challenges associated with their physical disabilities. We achieve our mission through:
lphk Establishing a support group which enhances the physical, psychological and social well-being of patient families;
lphk Providing useful and timely medical information to patient families;
lphk Promoting social acceptance of patients by educating the public about rare bone diseases;
lphk Raising funds to provide services for patient families in order to enhance their quality of life.


Understanding Rare Bone Disorders HKU LPHK Little People of Hong Kong
下載「小個子,大作為-認識罕有骨骼疾病」(中英對照)| Download "Little but not Less: Understanding Rare Bone Disorders (Chi/Eng Bilingual) © 版權屬香港大學所有


Little People Care alliance HKU LPHK 小個子 大作為 關愛行動
罕有骨骼疾病患者(部份俗稱為侏儒症或矮小症)成長中遇上不少困難,包括大眾對疾病的誤解及欠缺適合的學校或公共設施。小而同聯同香港大學合辦「小個子, 大作為」關愛行動。透過大學生輔導計劃,工作坊及出版資訊手冊等連串活動,我們希望讓公眾,尤其是教育工作者及年青一代,對罕見骨骼疾病及患者的需要有更 多了解。行動分為以下兩個項目:
Patients with different forms of rare bone diseases (little people) face many difficulties because of incorrect community perception, and school and public facilities that are not appropriate for their use. LPHK has partnered with The University of Hong Kong to organize the "Little People Care Alliance" program. Through mentorship programme, dialogues, workshops and a specialized information booklet, we aim to change this perception for a better community understanding of the needs of the “little people” and the role of school teachers and students. LPHK KELPHK BBBS


NewsletterNewsletter chinese LPHKLPHK newsletter english our storiesLPHK Past event 小而同 罕有骨骼疾病基金會 活動花絮Donate to LPHK
